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Team Doc Lures Audio Masterclasses
John Haenke: "5 Must-Have Lures That Will Catch Fish In Central Queensland, Anytime, Anywhere"
Brett Geddes: "5 Must-Have Lures That Will Catch Fish In Gippsland, Anytime, Anywhere"
Karl Attenborough: "Evolution Of Surface Flathead Luring In Northern NSW"
Greg Reid: "Beach Fishing With Estuary Gear"
Steve Morgan: "Switching From Impoundment Bass To Impoundment Barra"
Fishing Spot Research Maps
Starting in June 2022 we're rolling out a unique resource that allows TDL members to quickly search through hundreds of pages of notes and hundreds of hours of audio to get right to the critical informationmthey need when they are researching a fishing spot.
Our mapping tool will allow members to filter by season, species, fishing style and more to identify fishing opportunities in their location of interest and know what lures and techniques to use.
Andrew Death's Big Bream Masterclasses
The most successful people surround themselves with coaches and mentors. People who inspire them, guide them, bring out the best.
Andrew Death is one of those people. At the time these classes were put together Andrew is the current Hobie Worlds champion and is shortly on his way to Sweden to defend his title.
He's been fishing bream tournaments across Australia for a long time and is a super competitor and smart fisher...... and in putting this series together he set out to expose the secrets of top bream gurus who consistently smash big bream on lures.
Andrew interviewed Steve Morgan, Callum Dowell, Jason Meech, Steve Steer, Paul Malov and Dylan van der Meulen, exploring what they do different that results in trophy fish and tournament wins.
We're publishing this 6 episode series to TDL members, one per week, starting from 26 May 2022. All episodes will remain in the members area permanently for TDL members to enjoy and learn from.
Team Doc Lures eBooks/Audiobooks
Greg Vinall (eBook) "Why Fish Don't See Your Lures"
Greg Vinall (eBook) "Getting Started In Custom painted Crankbaits"
Team Doc Lures Weekly Livestreams
Join us Sunday evenings at 8.30pm AEST for live chats where we run tutorials, discuss topics of interest, bring guests onboard and so on. Suggest topics you'd like us to cover, help us break down a fishing location and get some insights into what's happening behind the scenes at ALF and TDL.
Can't make the live sessions? No worries, you can always watch a replay later.
ALF Plus
ALF Plus is about giving supporters of the Australian Lure Fishing Podcast the opportunity to get even more from our amazing guests.
Sometimes there are extra nuggest that can be extracted during an interview. Stuff that perhaps the guest is a little hesitant about sharing publicly, but happier to share with a small group of serious anglers. Sometimes there are extra snippets that are just so good that I want to save them for the people who upport the podcast. And sometimes podcast interviews are just so packed with info that it makes sense to pull some of it out and keep it aside for members only.
Not every ALF episode has a "Plus" version, but when they do, the extra information is definitely ground-breaking stuff, "ah-hah!" moments and pro hacks that are too good not to listen to!
Private Members Feed
Most ALF Listeners Tune In From Their Phone. Now TDL Listeners Can Too.
Installing a podcast app on your phone is super convenient. They're free and allow you to subscribe to as many podcasts as you like, new episodes get pushed to a library in the app.
Podcast apps connect to bluetooth earbuds, car audio systems and so on. They can download for offline listening, they can be searched and so on. Very handy indeed.
And now whether you have an android or apple device and regardless of what podcast app you use, ALF, ALF Plus and TLD audio can be easily connected to your app via a private members feed.
Team Doc Lures Projects Under Development
The Australian Lure Fishing podcast is nearing its 400th episode. That's an awful lot of super talented anglers that have been interviewed.
And as you might expect, we're seeing some patterns start to emerge regarding the attitudes, behaviours and rituals of the best of the best.
So I've started preparing the script for an audiobook...... TDL members are invited to review and provide feedback on the script as it develops. And of course they'll have free access the finished audio when the public will have to purchase it 😉
Here's your chance to be a part of the project.
"Luke Lispet's Kayak Fishing Masterclass"
There has never been a better time for kayak fishing, it's a golden era! Technology and tackle have improved, making it easier and more effective to fish from a kayak. As a result we're seeing kayak anglers winning tournaments against a full contingent of boating anglers, BIG fish being taken by kayak specialists and all kinds of adventure fishing opportunities.
Luke is an accomplished kayak fisher who's passion for sharing and helping others has grown into Yakhunters, a nationwide movement with resources, networks and tournaments just for kayak enthusiasts. Not surprisingly, Yakhunters now boasts tens of thousands of active members.
This masterclass is as much about getting novices off to a great start as it is about sharing advanced tips for seasoned kayakers. It's a six part series that TDL members can enjoy from the website or pushed to their mobile device to listen on the go!
"Team Doc Lures"
For your convenience, this area is a BS Free Zone. We're a tight, exclusive community of insanely keen lure fishers from novices to experts who interact and support each other. If that sounds good then we'd love you to join our ranks!
Importantly, TDL memberships help keep the ALF Podcast on the air - and in return we give TDL members extra support to acheive lure fishing greatness!
Join Now For Immediate Access!
Hi Fellow Lure Fishers!
If you're a regular listener of the Australian Lure Fishing podcast, you'll know that we're different from the others. We're more about solid, actionable information than banter and antics. There's nothing wrong with wrapping info in humour and at ALF we can definitely have a laugh, but we won't waste your time with try-hard shenanigans.
Info is king on the ALF podcast because my vision has always been to create a lasting resource and helpful for all Aussie sport fishers.
Team Doc Lures (TDL) follows the same philosophy as ALF but takes things to a whole new level. Humour is welcome, egos are not. The idea is to build a community so we can all learn from each other. A rising tide to float all ships.
So if that sounds good then why not become part of TDL today? Share what you know or learn from others - or both! I look forward to meeting you inside the TDL community!
Why Should You Join Team Doc Lures?
- You dream of mastering lure fishing, but you're sick of wading through confusing, hyped up, paid promotions and ego trips. You just want to cut through and learn what you need to know to catch fish.
- You're looking for brand independent advice, tips, tools and resources designed to help you catch more fish on lures.
- You enjoy the Australian lure fishing podcast, would like to interact with Greg, his hosts and guests - and support the podcast to keep it on the air.
What's Inside The Team Doc Lures Members Area?
Some episodes of the Australian Lure Fishing podcast include an extended interview with bonus questions. Team Doc Lures members get access to the full interview, members of the public only get access to the shorter version.
TDL Audio Masterclasses
There are some next-level podcast episodes within the TDL members area that will never be aired on the public podcast program. They've been created just for members and contain pro-level tips and tricks from some seriously smart lure fishers.
Luke Lispet's Kayak Fishing Masterclasses
Luke is a founder of the Yakhunters movement, which now has tens of thousands of members. His kayak masterclass is an audio series that takes listeners from early steps in getting started at yak fishing right through to advanced kayak fishing techniques.
Andrew Death's Big Bream Masterclasses
Andrew is a TDL member, budding podcaster and gun kayak bream tournament competitor. He's conducted a series of interviews with other bream fishing guns in a quest to find and catch a better class of bream.
[NEW] Fishing Research Map
We're rolling out a research tool in the form of a map that allows TDL members to quickly filter hundreds of epiosdes of the ALF Podcast by location, species, season, fishing style and more! The quickest way to start researching a new spot or find fish in your home waters.
Weekly Live Sessions
TDL members enjoy informal weekly livestreams with Greg and/or guests. Join us for a chat, some tips, to ask questions and so on. Replays are archived and timestamped so even if you can't make it to the live, you can go back to them over and over.
Fishing eBooks
For those who don't mind a bit of written content. Greg has put a selection of his lure making and lure fishing eBooks on the Team Doc Lures website to be downloaded and consumed at your leisure!
Private Feed
A lot of ALF listeners tune in to the podcast using a podcatcher app on their mobile device, because they get a notification when a new episode comes out - plus they can bluetooth to ear buds or their car stereo. The Apple Podcast App is the usual one for for iPhone users, whilst android users often use apps like Podcast Addict or Pocket Casts to download and listen to ALF.
The TDL private feed allows members to also receive the premium content, such as ALF Plus episodes and audio masterclasses via these apps. So you'll get notifications of new content and can listen on or offline!
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